
D&d 5e slime race
D&d 5e slime race

d&d 5e slime race

The oobleck are found in places where slimes roam. Oobleck are almost universally true neutral, for few have had experience enough to alter their alignment any meaningful way. This, combined with their rarity means most have never heard of an oobleck, and if they have they would have assumed it some manner of normal slime. Oobleck are rarely well received since their first reaction is to reach out and touch the new and interesting people, accidentally digesting them in the process. They reproduce by splitting when they get too large, usually budding mindless slimes and rarely budding another oobleck without the need to consume sentient creatures. Oobleck are gender neutral genetically but they assign themselves a mental gender which their physical form often assumes as well.

d&d 5e slime race

Unfortunately for many oobleck, they often do not realize their bodies are caustic when first coming into contact with other creatures. They are highly resistant to damage, and while slow they are usually dangerous to the touch. Always translucent, a sharp eye can pick out a central cluster of organs which serves as the core of the oobleck, as well as its sensory organs and brain. Their shape appears to be genetically pre-determined and the nature of their features and where, or why they appear as they do are a mystery. Ooblecks are nothing but vaguely ovid blobs of colored slime in their natural, resting state, but when "awake" and active they form into a vaguely humanoid shape. It is no surprise that one could say the entire population of ooblecks are adventurer material. Those which are not killed or driven from society quickly try to settle in where they can and adapt, though they are filled with wanderlust whenever discovering that there is more beyond the world they know. Unfortunately for the oobleck, this is rarely a warm welcome and many oobleck die approaching humanoids in a far too friendly manner. They often feel compelled to leave and explore, finding company in others who might accept them. The oobleck are fantastically curious, most growing up surrounded by mindless siblings and uncertain why they alone possess intellect.

d&d 5e slime race

The resulting new slime may turn out to be an oobleck, which slowly matures with basic intelligence and memories, soon to go out seeking the meaning of its life in the outside world. They do not exist as a unified race but as a rare mutation seemingly caused by the consumption of a sentient being by an ooze, followed by its reproduction. The oobleck are a rare sapient form of ooze, capable of speech and thought.

D&d 5e slime race