Extends the borders out so far there is no point in going past them because its only water. I Googled, looked on Nexus, and did a "green" search in the posts here on Steam, but theres a zillion, & none with any info. Try talking to person who made the mod slavery " F4SS - Fallout 4 Slavery System (.082)" or " Abduction (0.70)" i wish your mod was on both there mods xD. The only thing I don't like about settlement borders expanded is sometimes people from settlers show up at nearby settlements. I'm disappointed at the size of the Red Rocket settlement. Repairable Sanctuary actually deletes the vanilla files, while Settlement Expansion seems to require them. General tips to playing Fallout 4 (Few spoilers) Gndlf_the_grey: 47: 11/27 11:30AM: Fallout 4 ending makes no sense: DarthDragonborn: 15: 11/23 7:57AM: Any mods that fix sneaking detection? To be a great Fallout 4 builder you need the right tools in your toolbox. The idea to equip the settlers that are slaves and leaving the borders of the settlement seems nice for me. Fallout 4 is quite a big island go explore. Top 10 Best Settlement Locations in Fallout 4 To Build On/At (No Mods or DLC Required) #PumaCounts - Duration: 16:02. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Either be allied to the Settlement by completing quests, or own it by slaughtering it's inhabitants or simply discovering it and clearing the area. It does what it says, removes the borders, but causes overlays like shadowplay and reshade to stop detecting the game and random shit like that. To turn the map borders back on, simply delete the added line in Fallout.ini OR change it to bBorderRegionsEnabled=1. The game engine can't easily handle changing the terrain in game, which is why so many bugs exist in settlement mods. 7:43pm Is there a mod to disable settlement borders or expand them? When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. A dirty workaround could be made, like a script that backs up all containers and then repopulates them, but that could cause other problems. The No Mods Shop Class - Fallout 4 Settlement Building Mini-Series Below is a list of links to all the video courses in the limited series, including an easy link to the whole playlist. Mod issue maybe? Load it into your Render Window. "Fallout 4" "Console Mods" Showcase 'Build Outside Your Settlements Borders' PC,Xbox One & PS4 This will allow you to create a brand new settlement at a location that does not have one. Objects I scrapped clipped when No Border is loaded after Scrap Everything. Or is the process to make that border mesh more obtuse? I have no idea There seems to be a misconception as to what this mod actually does.