Challenge Bosses: Some Bosses including Kung Jin/Marksman are immune to unblockable attacks.Kenshi/Ronin, Noob Saibot/MK11, Kintaro/Shokan Warrior & Jax Briggs/Klassic: Part of these characters' passive relies on blocking special attacks, which Erron's special attack 2 can counter that.Because Erron Black is an Outworld character, he will also help Ermac start with X-Ray while also teamed up with Kitana. Kitana/Mournful, Ermac/Master of Souls, Wrath Hammer & Bloody Tomahawk: Most of these supports will give Erron Black 1 Bar of Power.Kotal Kahn/Sun God & Reptile/Nimble: Erron Black gains 30% Attack from Kotal Kahn and 30% Health from Reptile.Executioner Axe: With the Executioner Axe, Erron Black can deal an additional 35% damage against Spec Ops and 30% Basic Attack Boost, with a total 95% damage on basic attacks against Spec Ops at Fusion X.Having a card that "counters" Erron Black does not mean it is always a good choice. Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Erron Black. Unblockable basic attack and power gen boost equipment are also great for him, making use of his fast basic attacks with 2 multi-hit combo enders to generate power faster. It is recommended to focus on his SP2 to utilize his passive.

Gunslinger Erron Black is a powerful character with fast basic attacks and dangerous unblockable, critical SP2, despite his low stats.